Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mural District

Mural District from Mike Thiesen on Vimeo.

Mini-Doc on The Mural District by Mike Thiesen( pronounced "tyson"?), featuring lots of shots of my friends and my murals.

From the site;

"My class went on a field trip to Fresno's Mural District, and my original plan was just to take pictures which is why I had no way of stabilizing the camera or getting clean audio."

Well it doesn't show...good job Sir, good job.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Art Hop Tomorrow

A few years ago, I sharted on my drive to my art show I was having at Teazer. It was a terrible way to kick off the festivities. But the night turned out great despite my traumatizing experience.
Tonight, we're having an "art hop" reception for my show, "Carne Diem" and Michael's show, "Solace in a Tin Shed".
Come join us tonight to make up for missing the opening reception. Or if you haven't seen the show. Or if you have a date and you want to take them to cool stuff thats free. Or if you want to save yourself thousands of dollars you would have spent on art school, and ask Michael a few questions; he gives all his secrets out for free.Or if you think I'm a jerk and you want to tell me in real life, not just on facebook. Most life long friendships start off with an argument.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Sketchbook Stuffings Part Deux

more sketchbook stuffings including; a bunch of sketches using photo reference from an app that distorts your face, a drawing of willie nelson, and a disproportioned drawing of Aunnas legs I drew while I lay bored, next to her. The second drawing kinda looks like an Erik Beltran drawing.

Sketchbook Stuffings

some color experiments from my sketchbook. I did these "straight ahead" gouache sketches to try and loosen myself up before I made actual paintings. Aunna said they look silly, but I kinda like them.

Salient Cues

I drew this the day I ended up getting appendicitis. It is a drawing from the parking lot of the courthouse while I was waiting for Aunna to get out of jury duty.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Carne Diem Leftovers.

I've listed some drawings on my Etsy page, that were edited out of the Carne Diem show. And, in the tradition of the "black friday/cyber monday" craze, I gave them pretty decent prices. I'll leave them up for a while, and if they dont sell, they'll end up as Christmas presents, or in my mom's hallway.
Go Check them out.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

El Pez

To inquire about the availability of this piece, please contact the gallery at ArteAméricas.org, or contact me directly at obamador@gmail.com

El Rinoceronte

To inquire about the availability of this piece, please contact the gallery at ArteAméricas.org, or contact me directly at obamador@gmail.com

El Unicornio Arbol

To inquire about the availability of this piece, please contact the gallery at ArteAméricas.org, or contact me directly at obamador@gmail.com

La Ballena

To inquire about the availability of this piece, please contact the gallery at ArteAméricas.org, or contact me directly at obamador@gmail.com

El Duermuerto

To inquire about the availability of this piece, please contact the gallery at ArteAméricas.org, or contact me directly at obamador@gmail.com

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hog-ust/September already?

Been busy the last few weeks...which is code word for people who cant manage their time properly. Been finishing up some commissions, asking permissions, dealing with nocturnal emissions, etc.
I tried to do the "one a day" thing, but FAILED...i'll try it again soon, though. In the mean time, here are some medio-core drawrings that'll keep your interest for all of 5 minutes.
Featured are some failed drawings, nude sketches that may or may not be real, watercolor droplings and what not. I'm getting ready to start working for the show in November...i'll try and post regularly once I get going on that. Oh, and you can zoom in on all the images like always...feel free to dissect my techniques.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Johnny F-in Slouch

"There are certain simplicities of life that I treasure. Last weekend I was able to take Jean Claude for a walk.

We strolled around for about an hour. As a uni-skeleton, Jean Claude needs sun screen. He was singed to the core. Made me miss my rotten-to-the-core cousin, Edgar."

Johnny Slouch has been seen around town pullin' one of my unicorn babies (Jean Claude is the name of the unicorn, b.t.w.)


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 3rd

this is what happens at 3 in the morning after a long day...i have no idea what to use this for...i might draw up a one-off tupac/mj buddy cop adventure comic for the next zine. could be interesting...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

hey bat

doing these fun lil' water colors during my "vacation" from murals and art gigs.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

captain amexican

just watched captain america on bootleg in theaters.

makes me want to dig up the idea i had years ago, of starting my artist-series pirating business, where each DVD comes with original one of a kind, hand made packaging. probably go to prison for it. heres a bootleg of "dark knight".

Monday, July 25, 2011

Boardwalk Empire

some of my favorite characters from "boardwalk empire"...wasnt really going for likenesses as much as i was just trying to set some sort of mood. also, did no prior sketching...just ink to paper, so suck on that!