For that very tiny group of Fresno folks who dont know him, Terrance is a huge supporter of the local art scene, one of the snazziest fucking dressers, awesome photographer and all around, bad Mutha'fucka'.
Well, anyways, last night he hosted this mural painting party at his place, complete with live music from the Insects, lots of beer, pizza, chips, fruit, and a shitload of house paint for painting this huge freight storage container. Oh, and a very special appearance from none-other than Elvis himself. I intended on photo-ing the whole thing, but my fucking phone died about an hour in, guess thats what happens when you live on the edge like i do and only charge your phone enough time for it to load up only one bar. Here are some photos I took;

Like I said, Terrance buys alot of art from alot of artists, which includes my friends and I. My shitty camera phone doesnt do any of any justice, but you get the point.

some Jason Grahams and Michael Garcias.

some more Jasons, some Josh, and some Nigels.

dont know the name of this artist, but i liked this piece....fucking hilarious!

more good stuff....

kinda trippy.....right? (inside joke)
Terrances house is awesome and like this trippy-doing mushrooms in Hollywood, but surrounded by good art kinda place.
There was alot more cooler shit that went down later on in the evening, unfortunately all i have is memories to share, and not photos.....but then again...where the fuck were you?
I was at home JEALOUS, playboy- like I am right now. All you young people with free time and no responsibilities. Hell yeah I'm jealous. But I love lurking at all of it. California is the best place to live and take trips. Enjoy it as much as possible!