Organizing my digital life last night...came across these images from a sketchbook I was working on 2006-2007ish. I was moving back into Broadway Studios at the time, and on my first Art Hop/ Open Studio, the sketchbook went missing. Wish I had scanned more of the pages; it was all red and black ballpoint pen and white and blue gel pens on brown craft paper.
"Assembling the facts, Dismantling the truth"-one of my favorite pieces from Michael Garcia's show, "solace in a tin shed". Couldn't help but sketch it quickly so I could keep some part of it forever. Unless of course, someone wants to buy a couple paintings from me so I could take it home? You have to see it in real life, not photos, to really get a feel for much detail and hidden gems in this monster.
Another sketch of a Garcia piece. This one of the show's title piece. So much texture and detail to try and capture in a quick and small drawing. I tried anyway.
Been mailing out these care packages of the new zine along with postcards, stickers, reciepts, posters, or whatever else I can find laying around. Some with extra doodles and whatnot. Get 'em while they hot.
Thank you to everyone that came out to the closing reception for Michael and my show the other night; Solace / Diem was amazing. Thank you's are in order for Frank, Nancy, Elva, and the entire Artes staff. I was met with open arms the entire time I was there. Top Notch, these folks are.
The kind folks at Arte Americas let me use their copy machines last week to put together a zine of drawlings. It's been years since I made a book of drawlings without any sort of planning or theme, or layout before hand. I used my sketchbook from the past year; all the greatest hits and fan favorites; so these pages are filled with failed ideas, sketches for paintings, grocery lists/to-do lists, drawings of dictators, a few jokes, drawings of the downtown Fresno landscape, and lots of other goodies you'll have to see for yourself.
Sneak Peek;
3 dollars each or both for 5. send 5 bucks to my paypal, and i'll send you both plus goodies;
I've been wanting to make pillows with drawings printed on them for years now. So a little before the holidays, I started printing these things up, and recruiting family members to help me stuff and sew them. I'm really happy with the results, and wanted to keep them all and just sleep on my drawings.
My friend Dylan commissioned me to make a dachshund pull toy in the style of the unicorn pull toy, as a xmas gift for his lovely wife. I was pretty happy with the outcome, and I think they were too.
I made 3 total, just to keep my options open incase one didn't come out perfect, fortunately,they all came out looking good. By fortunately, I mean, for you, my faithful readers; you can purchase one, or both of these left over dachshund pullies for yourself, or that wiener dog lover in your life! They'll be available in my Etsy shop today.
Also, if you're in the area, I'm going to be sitting in on my gallery show at Arte Americas today, and for the rest of the week leading up to the closing reception this Sunday...see you all there!
A little before the Christmas rush, I made the short drive to Madera, to visit my dear friend Michael Garcia's art studio. I've looked up to Michael and have been a fan of his, since I first laid these old eyes on his work. He is a sort of Jedi Master in my eyes; all knowing and all encompassing. I love seeing where other artists work, and Michael's process is so interesting, I was dying to see his fortress of solitude.
He was in the process of painting a doggie door when I got there. We had some beers, chatted for a while about art, life, love, mistakes, regrets, processes, and whatnot. After it got too cold to stand in a tin shed, we went inside and Michael cooked steak for dinner while I chatted with his lovely Aunt.